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Armando Moreschi was Born in Rome, 1949 , Wher he lives. He is a self-taught painter.

In 1967 he began painting acrylic relifs.

He has exhibited his work at a number of shows with other artists in recent years. He held a very succesfull first "personal exhibit" a "galleria Charlton"in Rome in1986. One of his paintings was exhibited in 1996 at "XII Quadriennale di Roma" (Exhibition of contemporary art).

He ha also arranged other shows of his works, in the recent past, among which, is the one at the Gallery "Il Triangolo Verde" in Rome in 2000 and "L’U.G.C. CINE’ CITE’ PARCO LEONARDO” in Via Portuense 2000 in Fiumicino in 2005.

He is listed in the historical archives of "Museo Nazionale d'Arte Moderna di Valle Giulia" in Rome, "Trevi Flash Art Museum" and "Museo delle Arti" in Palazzo Bandera, Busto Arsizio (Milan).

His work has been reviewed in various Italian news paper and journals like “Il Marguttone”, “Il Messaggero” “Ostia Oggi”,”Fiumicino Oggi”,“La Gazzetta di Casalpalocco”and “L’Artista”.

He won the " BERNINI" Prize, the "Art of Rome" Prize and "Ostia" prize among others.

He belongs to the group "Alternativa '94" and there he takes part in the "work in progress" events which takes place along Via Margutta on the Last Saturdays and Sundays of every month.

Since 2002 he takes part to the "Studi Aperti & Artisti Associati" group, which every year, "opens" artist's studios to the audience.

He recently attended the art course "Dallo scarabocchio al testo teatrale, un lungo percorso", directed by Giancarlino Benedetti Corcos, an eclectic roman artist, whom enriched him with new interests.

He works in his Studio in Casalpalocco (Rome), where he'll be happy to show you his work if you call for a visit.

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